Restaurant L'Ermite


La carte 

From Februari 21th, open every day till 9 March, noon and evening.


* Rillettes de chapon | moutarde | cornichons | pain grillé  € 8,50

* Hachée de sanglier | salade verte | ketchup à la bière ambrée de Brasserie de Thiérache  € 8,50

* Soupe de chou-fleur à l'orange  € 7,00

* Œufs mayonnaise  € 5,00

* Croquettes de crevettes grises | aïoli  au citron | tartare de tomates confites  € 15,50



* Brouffado des mariniers (ragoût de bœuf mariné cuit avec des oignons, câpres, vin rouge, filets d’anchois et petit oignons blanc) | mousseline de persil  € 20,00

* Mijoté de saumon au poivron, tomates, maïs et lait de coco | riz  € 18,50

* Linguine au pesto, tomates, basilic et burrata  € 16,50



* Dessert of the day

* Chocolate tart with peanut butter € 6,00

* Frozen clementine mandarin | sorbet ice of plums with licquorice  € 8,00

* Sticky toffee pudding  € 6,00

* Chocolat fondant  € 6,00

* Ice cream and/or sorbet ice  € 7,50

* Irish or French coffee  € 8,50

* Cheese € 6,50


In restaurant l’Ermite we serve dishes of the season, with fresh produce, if possible biological and local. We cook as much as possible of the food ourselves, the slow food way. You can always choose a tasteful vegetarian menu. Because we make everything ourselves, we'd like you to reserve a meal in advance. If we already have a reservation, we can often also serve those who pass by.

The restaurant is open during school holidays, also between meals for a drink or a titbit.

We hope to welcome you soon.


Telephone: +33 (0)3 23 97 60 41


Groups of 8 persons or more, can always make a reservation, also in combination with a meeting or birthdays, baptisms, weddings etc. Look for our offers here.